Welcome to Now Out Of Context!

Join me in taking a look at a moment in time, and see just what it means to be alive. 

Now Out Of Context?

What exactly, is a moment in time?
How do you know time is moving?
I heard it put once, that time only moves in one direction. — Which do you think it is?

It moves from the future to the past. Backward of course!! We are stationary observers. We APPEAR to be moving forward through time, but really, time is moving backward through us.

The mind is a crazy place to live, and there is much to think about. Welcome to Now Out Of Context!

Why are you alive?


Never stop learning.

Read books. 

Keep perspective open. 


Practice what you learn.

Repetition is key.

Set goals. Make habits.


Review your behavior. 

Why do you do what you do?

Why do you think what you think?

Zoom out. Breath out.

Look to the stars.

They reveal many secrets.

Zoom in. Breath in.

Look to the cells. 

They reveal many secrets.